On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 6:15 PM Kingdom of the Dragon Levels
Live:Part 2:Kal ListiCactus Eater Bear thanks. I was just curious. I saw a video of Nick. So much double-speak I barely made it through the clip.Squatting Thunder Bear@Short Faced-BearZodiacal Lights Bear@Cactus Eater Bear The spells are so transparent and ineffective now.BB is the wizard killer!
Sheila Bedridden Bear@Eaglette Bear I agree!! He needs to goValentineArtistBlacksmithBear@Gaia Bear it wouldn't should up in a yahoo or a duckduckgo search. but I am also strictly mobile phone lately. that may be my problem.Cactus Eater Bear@UnBearified Bear I put the restricted filter on DuckDuckGo because it was horrifying without it.hill Billyit would be cool if owen would do some live streams on the farm workgreen chile bear@Gaia Bear heck yeah thats gonna be awesome when you get that installed and its so much fun cooking when its cold ouside in my opinionPhilip Messina@David McCarthy midtown Toronto... I'm thinking about creating an email list of bears that live in the GTA. I'd be nice to get a bunch of connected, especially in this globalist cesspoolcircus bearinteresting. what were you seeing @cactuseaterbear?xyzacctuse startpage instead of duckduckgoSquatting Thunder BearBB is the Vlad the impaler of wizards. He just leaves the wizards out on their stakes so everyone can see their BS. Once you see it, you cannot go back to their wizardry @Zodiacal Lights BearKyle LouisI agree hill billyUnBearified Bear@Cactus Eater Bear - it does demonstrate just how seedy the internet is..Gaia BearIll check out the video after the stream and see what article you are talking about, im pretty good at finding unfindable things if you want to throw me your fb name ill send it when i find itAbby Carverhey's
Cactus Eater Bear@circus bear lots and lots of graphic images, never related to what I was looking up.circus bearyikes @cactuseaterbearShort Faced-BearHey there @Abby Carver Good morningQuickie BearHola, Osos!️
Sam Proschansky@Cactus Eater Bear the Grabblers always trying to show children pornographyhill Billyhomesteading sounds great but in reality you still need money to live on and unless your land is providing it it doesn't workDeusVult BearWhereee. .off the slay the wizards, the strangest wizards of all...because..because..because..becaaaauseP Piddythey act like DuckDuckGo is for our privacy but I think it's for the pedos and criminals just like Tor and BItcoinGaia Bear@green chili bear absolutely! Im stoked to make old fashioned chicken noodle and dumplings on it!Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.UnBearified BearP Piddy you could be right palCathartic Release BearGaia Bear if you would like to read any of my poetry name is BPegram on wordpressCallista Bearyeah google is terrible but something bothers me about duckduckgoCactus Eater Bear@Sam Proschansky yes, they do! They slip their vile filth in like the porn clips in Fight Club.Eaglette BearBears, if you get a chance to read about the India moon probe that failed, India clearly states how difficult it is to get to the moon. I still have family believe NASA figured it out in 69. Damn.Silma SeenJust in case anyone needs transscriptthen : owen-benjamin.blogspot .com/2019/11/re-podcast-665-chat-1.htmlP PiddySomeone even said all the thots on Instagram aren't actually earning that money by being sexy, it's pure criminal laundering, I was like whoaJeck SimonsGuess you gotta make your land provide, hill BillyDeusVult BearHi Bears!CanadaTruth Bearanyone use Startpage as their search engine?hill Billythat would be a lot of landCallista BearHello @DeusVult BearGaia Bear@cathardic release bear I would LOVE to read some! I am a huge fan of creation so reading and seeing things other create is gold for me!!UnBearified Bearhowdy DeusVcircus bearwhere abouts are y'all located? vegas here for the time being. still working on getting out of the circus worldCactus Eater Bear@Eaglette Bear my grand & great grand parents were not fooled by the moon landing hoax. My boomer parents, however...ValentineArtistBlacksmithBear@Gaia Bear no more fb for me although I still have fb messenger Valentine BratenDaily Owen Benjamin Clips@circus bear Vegas as wellPaul Meyer BearNo Fap peoplethelaxcoachAmazing Polly posted attorney general Barr speaking at Notre Dame, encouraging words, although he did use 'Judeo- Christian' wizardry.P PiddyThe boomers are destroying themselves with consumerism, they believe the moon landing is real but they also believe corporate food brands are safe to eat, in comes stroke and disease at 55Eaglette BearNASA landed on the moon, road around on the buggy, hit a golf ball off the moon, stuck up a flag, called to the WH to speak to Nixon on a telephone. Please. Those suits could never withstand temps.Cathartic Release Bearits Bryan's Poetry columnShort Faced-BearThe chat is so legit like this. It reminds me of Memeber only chatcircus bearnice. @dailyowenbenjaminclips just subscribedPaul LevisssAmazing polly is journalist of the yearUnBearified Bearsmall numbers are great.. we can actually talkGames AccountGood morning bears!!! How is everyone? Good I hope!It's Saucen@green chile bear saw your shout out hey friend! @DuesVult Bear hey how are you:)Bedridden BearI feel so guilty my best friend came to check on me and I ate mcds fri3sCactus Eater Bear@Paul Levisss Yes! I love, love, love Amazing Polly! She's awesome.David McCarthy@Philip Messina Good ideaJeck Simonsi still want to try to homestead. despite the risks.Callista Bear@Daily Owen Benjamin Clips Just subbed! @It's SaucenDeusVult Bearhi @Callista Bear @Cactus Eater Bear @UnBearified Bear @Eaglette Bear @Short Faced-Bear @Its Saucencircus bearyeah, this is great. what do you do @dailyowenbenjaminclips?Miranda Shuwerahey BearsSam Proschansky@Bedridden Bear than Jesus for good friendsP Piddy@Paul Levisss I think George Webb is the best journalist of the past 3 years, bar noneDaily Owen Benjamin Clips@circus bear I work for Cost Co, yourself?UnBearified BearBedridden, its okay to indulge once in a whileGaia Bear@valentine theres many people under that name, come find me and send me a messsage Jessica Van DeusenGames AccountCrushingChris Asterionthe eye of cleopatraShort Faced-Bear@DeusVult Bear Good morning brotherIt's Saucen@Callista Bear hey sisterGrapevine LibraryAnother glorious day with the bearshill Billyanyone know what happened to island bear he actually kept a list of the people and bear names.Bedridden BearYes I feel guilty cuz I made fun of her profile pic this morning and she got mad.Cactus Eater Bear@DeusVult Bear @Sam Proschansky @Daily Owen Benjamin Clips nice to see you, my friends.Scarlet Phoenixgood morning bears!Lord Tripathyjudeo-christian ===== ->zionist retards.Miranda Shuweradoes anyone know if someone started an UnBearables Discord channel?Sam ProschanskyLikewise @Cactus Eater Beargreen chile bearhey hey @its saucen about to go let my neighbor try the logos kush i grewOKC BearDeusVult Bear hey there!!UnBearified Bear@Bedridden - apologise, move on :)circus bear@dailyowenbenjaminclips my wife and i are both circus performers. she doesnl equestrian circus and im an acrobat, trampoline, tumbling, teeterboard. its a terrible industry though. cant wait to leaveEaglette Bear@Cactus Eater Bear , yes, my folks flat out told me to let them die believing that NASA story. They are too frightened to think it was a deceit and a way to fleece the taxpayers for more $$Bedridden Bearthanks @Unbearified Bear it's not like I can go anywhere to pig out. hahahaChadasana YogaHey everyone....hope everyone having a great day!DeusVult Bearon yesterday's stream I seriously thought I was shadowbanned.Cathartic Release BearI really enjoy writing, it's my Cathartic ReleaseProverbs1_7 BearHello early bearsP Piddy@circus bear where in Vegas? maybe I walk past youGames AccountGreat advice unbearified bearDarrell Kirk@green chile bear ins or outs?UnBearified BearScouse BearDeus Vult Bear hiShort Faced-Bear@DeusVult Bear You were ladeling gravy and got gtabbled. It happensChadasana YogaAnyone hear about the national ID/internal passport program to be rolled out in 2020?circus beari train at the las vegas circus center off Jones and 215. im not in a show right now. working on my first teeterboard act and working random jobs to make money atmCactus Eater Bear@Eaglette Bear my parents and I had a long discussion about the hoax. In the end, my mom said "well, it brought our country together." Le sigh.Miranda Shuwerathe early-Bear gets the worm.Justen MerkNothing like listening to Big Bear while working.Bedridden Bear@Unbearified Bear we don't even apologize when we piss each other off anymore. i just told her to stop.getting so pussy cuz she looks like she has bananas coming out of both ears.CanadaTruth Bear@Chadasana Yoga yes and always knew it was coming, just like Jesus :)Sam Proschansky@Chadasana Yoga no. Haven't heard about that. That would go along with our current trajectory of becoming more like the Soviet UnionPastadramus FREEquency Futurist 2019 RhymeKingCan't wait to make a big bear cdGaia Bearany bear have any experience leaching black tank water to gardens? how well does it work? is it worth the trouble?Chadasana Yoga@CanadaTruth Bear that's true...no despair...this was just the first I've heard of it/ missing part /James cashWelcome a to the club lolUnBearified BearScouse Bear - i read that in your accentGames AccountThird eye trader generallystreams at the same time every dayThirdEyeTrader@Constable Benton Fraser Thank you:)6String Ronin@Tom Darby "The Matrix has you Neo". Once you're out, you're always on the run.Chadasana Yoga@Tom Darby keep studying....hold to truth and your ability to articulate these things will come naturally as you better understand. Sometimes it's toughDiane HoldsworthHi bears!Bruins BearAfternoon legends @Anchor Bear @Elron HumpperdinkWalksWithAntsBearTom Darby. go easy on those around you. spouting out this stuff can make those around you who are asleep yo think you are a paranoid schizophrenic.Bedridden Bear@Tom Darby I understands people think I have lost my mind since I can't walk anymore.Scouse BearHaha unbearified bear.Elron HumpperdinkStuntman Bear Kodiak Bruins Bear yoZodiacal Lights BearFresh on the Instragram Bear SceneSo many fake Owens.... -_-
Gaia Bear@tom darby waking up causes a lot of friendships to end. its not their fault but some minds are weaker than others and just cant break the spell. Better to disconnect than waste your time.Sammy Guswhy why why im just herevick emWho wins in a Shapiro vs Kirk fight? I don't know but I know what comes next, genocideeeeeSam ProschanskySay it again @Gaia BearGames AccountGarrett burrow exactly Jesus saidGive unto Caesar what is Caesar'sConstable Benton Fraser@thirdeyebear no worries bro/sisMormon Bearhave any of y'all watched any of Project Thunderbolt's videos?Ultra BearCurrently getting mocked at work for speaking truth. HahaDavidAndrewBearCheck out my What's Next music video if interested.Chadasana Yoga@Bruins Bear Yo buddy! Hope your well....game on point like the Pasta Man
BlondeGenius Bear@P Piddy alrighty. So the other one is a paid app? The tube catcher? is it worth whatever the fee is?Bedridden BearSRA victims I can't believe they are actually able to talk about it.Tom DarbyOk thank you guys I'm moving away next year anyway so will have to make new friends but I say these "conspiracies" to them and they ask me why I think that but u can't explain why it just makes senseOG WootDems took Philly = Gonna suck eggs here worseUnBearified Bear@Tom Darby - remember, you can still be friends with people you disagree with.. don't burn bridges over hypotheticals and unknowablesLocal HVAC Bear@ultra Bear, F'emAYVABTU@Tom Darby live by your ideals. when your friends see how good things are for you, it will speak louder than you ever couldSammy Gus@Ultra Bear keep politics out or they will fire your ass faster than popcorn poppingCathartic Release BearI get told by my wife what topics I can talk about with her friends. I enjoy popping their bubbles with truth.OseyerisGuys I have to fly into DC today. Pray for me I am going into the belly of the beast.Bruins Bear@Chadasana Yoga Everyone is crushing, including the B's! hahaSam Proschansky@Tom Darby I lost my wife over this. Pressure makes diamondsSilphwave@Vegan Bear I was vegan 4 years. I changed my mind when I ended up in hospital from vitamin deficiencies and dangerously low cholesterol. It's the NWO diet. Don't fall for this globalist trap6String Ronin@Bedridden Bear at this point, we're all becoming SRA victims. Do you not see that?Cory Phillipsah yes, almost time for the best time of every day, getting a good helping of gravyK O'Bearwas spiraling about numbers because of BB yesterday - I think I cracked the code as to whyyy grabblers love using them- spells and wizardry-yes-but where it began? Mocking the perfect Trinity*369*Garret BurrowI was raised Protestant, but the biggest problem in the Protestant church is the idea that Jesus fulfilled the law, so that means we have a license to sinSoto SalvatoreJohn 15:18-19Gaia Bearexactly @SamSemper Bearhey @Elron Humpperdink, @Stuntman Bear , @Bruins Bear, and @Scouse Bear . One more sub and I'm at 650. This thing is ramping up quickly.Sirius Bear@Tom Darby Just imagine everything you have been told is a lie, now breathCactus Eater Bear@6String Ronin what is SRA?MIchiganTwin BearHi bearsSilma SeenVas wegan and got VITAMIN deficite ? Hahahahaha Must be proper retarded and notknow what to at then, ... even if person eats ONLY bread and little bit some green, there will be no dficite.Jon StemplGood afternoon bears. Hope everyone is having a blessed day.Bedridden BearI watched this one video on Do A doing an Alice in Wonderland type of getting people to talk and it was pretty freaking wild how we all are programmed and we have just broke the code.xyzaccteradicate the thought police. speak truth. allow others to believe whatevertf they want. the holy spirit'll get emTom Darby@Sam Proschansky wow man blessings to youWalksWithAntsBearcactus eater bear. satanic ritual abuseZodiacal Lights Bear@Soto Salvatore Rings true every day... Stay strong!Follow Christ, Bears!
UnBearified BearHey newcomersMrCoopdrizzle@stationary wilburys - thought of a song that could turn in to something.. POD - Boom (Here Come the Boomers)Local HVAC Bear@ultra Bear, most of my friends thought I was talking crazy too, until the stuff I started talking about started happeningShort Faced-Bear@MichaganTwin Bear whats up!Sam ProschanskyThanks @Tom Darby I'm glad we didn't have children yet.Bear in a ChairPoint of "conspiracy theories"2 Acre ND BearI joined the Gram today....2acreND. followed lots of bears so farGaia Bear@siriusbear thats exactly it. You cant just convince someone they have been lied to, it has to personally effect them on a deep level to realize it.Garret Burrowwe.kind of are all SRA victimsIt's Saucen1st @Stuntman Bear my brother hello:) @Kodiak Howdy!! @Elron Humpperdink @Ultra Bear & of course @Bruins Bear what up!!!
6String Ronin@Cactus Eater Bear Serial Ritual Ahbews.Soto Salvatore@Zodiacal Lights Bear He is the Way, the Light and the Life.Ent Bear*jumps in chat before it gets to crazyWelcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.Bruins Bear@Semper Bear 650, let's go! @It's Saucen Howdy!!K O'BearI'll say it one more time because the Trinity is divine - fuck that 666nonsense grabbler bullshit - don't listen to evil lest ye currupt thine moraleSemper BearWe just hit 650, @It's Saucen and @Bruins BearGames AccountEnt Bear nice!!!Scouse BearHello Semper bearBedridden Bear@Cactus Eating Bear Satanic Ritual abuseSirius Bear@Gaia BearUnBearified Bearchats moving faster now.. Owen of House Benjamin approaches..MIchiganTwin Bear@shortfacedbear just grinding at the dealership waiting for that gravy.OKC BearThe Bears r crushing.Oseyeris400 people just watching a video thumbnailChadasana Yoga@Local HVAC Bear so true...and even then there is still resistance/cognitive dissonance.Tom Darby@Sam Prochansky that is fortunate as wouldn't want any children to be an unfortunate victimAdam Thcuin500 am. time for workKodiakSubscribe to Semper Bear!! He's crushing. /// Hi there @It's SaucenMark AndrewHello bearsWalksWithAntsBearhey BB, are you lurking?Soto SalvatoreI'm here for the Gravy and the Grabbler Gurgle.Adam SnyderROTCTimothy JamesGood day Bears! God bless your ever living souls! Hare Krishna\0/AYVABTUTREES!!!! @Ent Bear.okie Bear@ Help Semper Bear Reach 1,000 Subs subscribe today (NOW!) SEMPER BEARBlueSkyBearHi bearsjony fishPJW latest video talks about coomers2 Acre ND BearLadles UPOverShare Bear33subbing to Semper on Instagram 3 more BAM 1k followers tooCactus Eater Bear@WalksWithAntsBear @6String Ronin @Bedridden Bear oohhh...Thanks. I agree. Didn't know it was called something.jerushiefulWhat's up bears? Hello s far and wide!circus beari hope everyone has a great day and grows closer to god!Beer BearWhat up bearsQuickie BearThirsty and hungry for some milk and gravy.17 minutes to a opening...----It's Saucen@Semper Bear sweet! Good thing we have so many Saucens@2 Acre ND Bear I was your non elite sub on IG thank you:)
Otto Toksik@Oseyeris Actually I'm having such a great time just reading the chat that i wish i had popcorn right nowCoconut Bearanyone know what it means chatting publically "(slow mode is on)" ?Cathartic Release Bearany bears near clearwater Fl?UnBearified Bear@Oseyeris - for almost 2 hours haha.. i love bearsCallista Bear@Semper Bear Glad to see you!Local HVAC Bear@quickie Bear, *biscuitsDeusVult Bear@Ent Bear hey there. Good to you. How have you been?K O'Beareveryone's slow so owen can read us laterSoto Salvatore"Rogans up!"Timothy Jameshey thanks @circus bear!Bedridden Bear@Cactus Eating Bear Np. I have been really going down some dark rabbit holesBlueSkyBear@kodiak did u bring coffee??Anchor Bear@Zodiacal Lights Bear the instagram scene for bears is doing pretty well. make sure to support those who get taken downTom DarbyEverything BB says is so mind opening, the gravy is awakening meSemper BearThere's 5 people and all the rest are Saucen sock accounts.Good to see you too Callista Bear
Games AccountCoconut bear I believe slow mode is on means the chat text is in slow motion15 minutes..BFR BearDa da dum da da duum...Da da dum da da duumChadasana YogaThese chats are always a great time. Wish I could have more of these conversations with people in real life, without them spiralingGaia Bear@coconut bear it means you arent seeing messages blast past before you can read them. It allows things to post slower.It's Saucen@okie Bear I didn't leave message in comments will do and hey look good looking out for @Semper BearOseyerisHaha same. Anyone have a good sermon last night?P Piddy@Coconut Bear you have to wait a certain time between after each post before you can post again, cuts down on rambling spam because you have to measure your wordsMIchiganTwin Bear@BRF bearBender BearGravy Train..... choo...choo....South Kerrsausage fest Smeer the Queer I'm outCactus Eater Bear@Bedridden Bear somebody's got to do it. Just don't let the darkness take over. Life is so beautiful.OverShare Bear33slow mode makes entire chat smarter by blocking our ability to share our MindViruses, I speak for myselfWalksWithAntsBearall aboardSemper BearI watched AF from yesterday, to see some reactions and he basically said everything I said about backlash on my stream last night. I WINWelcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.SundayGravyBearAlmost gravy timeQuickie BearMmmm biscuitsOG WootOrganized Pro Sports = Bread & Circus all fake as the WWEAdam Snyderhow you get bearified im a cavemanUnBearified Bear@Coconut Bear - it adds a time limit to your posts so everyone gets a chance to speak and readleo BEARhello bears
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